IOE services for its members:
- Representing the interests of employers on international platforms;
- Forums / events for cooperation between participants (business interests);
- A place at the table of international meetings convened by the ILO and other international organizations;
- Technical assistance on social and employment issues;
- Support for member organizations and solidarity with them in difficult situations;
- Capacity building and training;
- International recognition.
Services for the corporate sector (companies):
(Global Network for International Relations) and GOSH (Global Network for Occupational Safety and Health): IOE initiatives tailored to the needs of top managers; exclusive, confidential forums for discussing important practical issues with the international colleagues.
GFMD Business Advisory Group on Migration (Global Forum on Migration and Development): the IOE initiative that mobilizes businesses and federations of employers from around the world to participate in migration issues by raising their awareness and participation in government-led GFMD work, which explores multilateral approaches to migration and development policy.
(Global Apprenticeships Network): An international coalition of businesses, organizations and employer federations at the CEO level dedicated to creating youth employment and business skills.