Terms of Membership


On membership in the National Confederation of Employers (Entrepreneurs) of the Republic of Kazakhstan "PARYZ"

1. General Provisions

1.1. The provision has been developed in accordance with the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 16, 2001 No. 142-II
"On non-profit organizations", the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 12, 2015
No. 390-V “On Self-Regulation”, the Charter of the National Confederation of Employers (Entrepreneurs) of the Republic of Kazakhstan “PARYZ” (hereinafter - the Association) and determines the procedure, amounts and terms for payment of membership and earmarked fees by members of the Association.
1.2. Contributions of members of the Association are the main sources of the funds of the Association and consist of membership and earmarked contributions.
1.3. The executive body of the Association accepts and records contributions.
1.4. Each member of the Association has the right to provide additional financial assistance to the Association at any time and without restrictions.

2. Regular membership fees

2.1. Regular membership fees (hereinafter -membership fees) are a mandatory monetary contribution of the members of the Association and serve, first of all, as a factor in supporting the common cause of developing social and economic dialogue in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2.2. Membership dues are paid annually no later than February, 15.
2.3. Membership fees are paid on the basis of an invoice issued by the Association for payment of membership fees. The invoice for payment of membership fees is issued by the Association no later than one month before the deadline for payment of membership fees specified in 2.2. of this Regulation.
2.4. Newly admitted members of the Association pay membership fees within a month following the moment the Presidium of the Association makes a decision on admission to the membership of the Association.
2.5. The amount of membership fees for newly admitted members for the remaining number of months until the end of the current calendar year is set in proportion to the annual fee, based on the time the Presidium makes a decision on admission to the Association. At the same time, if less than 15 calendar days remain from the moment the decision of the Presidium on the admission of a new member to the Association until the end of the calendar month comes into force, membership fees are charged from the month following the month of admission of such a member.
2.6. In the event of a change in the amount of the membership fee or the method of its calculation, the new fee is calculated from the moment the respective decision made by the Presidiums of the Association.
2.7. Membership fees are used to ensure the statutory activities of the Association.

3. Earmarked contributions

3.1. Earmarked contributions are a monetary contribution of members of the Association.
3.2. Earmarked contributions are established by the decision of the Presidium and can be paid on a periodic and (or) one-time basis.

4. Amount of membership and earmarked contributions

4.1. The amount of the annual membership fee is set:

  • For a Member who is a business entity is determined in accordance with Table 1, based on the monthly calculation index (MCI) and taking into account the following criteria: 1) the category of the business entity, classified as small, medium, or large; 2) the level of risk of the controlled entity (high, medium, low), applied when verifying compliance with regulations in the socio-labor sphere.

Table 1. Contribution Amounts for Members

Category of Business EntitiesLowMediumHigh
Small150 MCI250 MCI500 MCI
Medium500 MCI1000 MCI1500 MCI
Large1000 MCI1500 MCI2000 MCI
  • For education and scientific organizations, is set at 150 MCI per year.

4.2. The amount of targeted contributions is approved by the Presidium of the Association;

5. Liability for violation of obligations to make contributions

5.1. A member of the Association that does not perform or improperly performs its duties under these Regulations may be expelled from its membership.

6. Other provisions

6.1. Contributions received by the Association are directed in accordance with the established procedure for statutory purposes and are not subject to distribution among the members of the Association.
6.2. The results of the annual receipt of contributions are considered at the meetings of the Presidium of the Association.
6.3. Invoices for the payment of fees established by these Regulations are sent to the members (candidates for membership) of the Association in the form of scanned copies to the member's e-mail address specified in the register of members of the Association (or in the application for admission to membership of the Association). At the same time, non-receipt by a member (candidate for membership) of the Association of an invoice for payment of the relevant fee does not relieve such a member (candidate for membership) of the Association from the obligation to pay the relevant fee.
A member of the Association has the right to request the original invoice for payment of the relevant fee by sending a scanned copy of the request to the e-mail of the Association. At the same time, the executive body of the Association is obliged to send the original invoice to such a member by registered mail, within a period not exceeding three working days from the date of receipt of the relevant request. The Association provides the original of the payment document at the request of its member no more than once per billing period (quarter).
6.4. Membership fees and earmarked contributions of participants upon leaving the Association are non-refundable.
6.5. This Regulation is approved by the decision of the Presidium of the Association and is mandatory for all members of the Association.
6.6. Changes and additions to these Regulations are made by the decision of the Presidium of the Association.