Members of the Presidium of the NCE “PARYZ”

The main goals and objectives of the National Confederation of Employers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the directions of its activities for your active participation are enshrined in the Charter of the Confederation. 


uniting the Kazakhstan’s socially oriented and socially advanced business community to form the position of business in relations with the Government and the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

representing the interests of enterprises of the industrial and business sector of the economy of Kazakhstan at the conclusion of the General Agreement on socio-economic issues between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and associations of employers, including the National Confederation of Employers of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

promoting the creation of favorable conditions for the development of all forms of entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

protection of the legitimate rights and interests of employers-entrepreneurs by all measures not prohibited by law;

providing legal support to industrial and business enterprises, associations, unions from the National Confederation of Employers of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

representation, including lobbying the interests and solving urgent problems of the members of the CERC in the republican authorities, public organizations, tripartite commissions for the regulation of labor and social relations;

promoting the improvement of control and supervisory measures, elimination of administrative barriers in the development of entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan.